JDRB 01/21/2003

My birthday holds little significance to most human beings other than myself, namely because it is my birthday. However, it will always have a special significance to a few of those hearty souls in the rancid State of New York, who enjoy the opening day of deer season the same day. Do not confuse yourself;…

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Ok this Koala climbs a telephone pole and….

Last Wednesday the face of television was changed forever. Well, mine was anyway, as I had put my shoe through it. Yep, you guessed it; Fox had another brilliant idea in the form of Man vs. Beast, a show that pitted animals against vegetables on a network made by people with calcium deposits in the…

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New Year? Is That Anything Like “New Coke?”

Well, everybody should be over their New Years hangovers, and resolutions should have been shredded faster than… never mind, Enron jokes were so last year. So lets get down to brass tacks (what does that mean anyways?): Predictions for the new year! I say it’s gonna stink and no good is going to come from…

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