
What to Get the Impossible to Shop For: A Calamari Wall Hanging

Note: I originally highlighted this cephalopod sculptor back in 2009 when they had their original work up – a one-off $1,200 foam and fiberglass masterpiece:

 The Original:

“Here we have one big ass tentacle. Add a touch of eerie goodness to your home decor. Bursting through a wall of faux bricks, this fabulous bit of cephalopod is sure to delight young and old alike.” -Says the artist – Etsy username ArtAkimbo

Click for Etsy Link
The Original (no longer available)

And really, what little girl wouldn’t want the carbuncle of Cthulhu jutting out from over her bed? Or, older girl, under her bed… That look on a little boys face when he opens that box Christmas morn and flashes back to the run in with the squid at the beach line a few months prior….

“I’ve included a couple of photos of how it might look in your gracious home, specifically if you happen to live in the American wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.” – ArtAkimbo goes on to say.

Snide comments aside, it’s a rather nifty looking art piece. Not my cup of tea, but I’m sure it’d fit in some seaside villa or cultist’s living room.

The tentacle is made of foam and fiberglass, and juts out 44” from the wall and weighs in at 25 lbs.


And while that original beast is no longer available, ArtAkimbo (artist David Cramer) is still going strong more than a decade later; perfecting his artistic appendage artificing ability. There are now multiple iterations – all originating from an apropo porthole – in an array of colors and angles. 

The octopus arm is cast in slightly translucent urethane resin and hand painted. The splash is done in tinted transparent resin, highly polished. The porthole is finished with a bronze coating which is chemically treated to create a lovely verdigris patina, or in the case of the orange tentacle – a rusted iron coating.

Octopus tentacle sculpture, Nautical art object
Octopus tentacle sculpture, Nautical art object
Cold cast brass coat hanger
Thank you, Aristotle

In case you were wondering, yes, there’s a coat hanger version too (see right). Now you can live out your Addams Family fantasies.

But Wait…

Don’t think this to be a one-trick-seahorse though. ArtAkimbo has some other unique (and affordable) Surreal and Dadaist pieces in his shop. You’ve got the functional, by way of disembodied noses acting as eyeglass holders. Aaaand the not so functional, like the Cigar Chomping Flower (incidentally listed with keyword “Malicious Whimsy”)

In addition to Etsy, ArtAkimbo’s works are available in multiple galleries and boutiques worldwide or directly through his website:

A friendly reminder that these are all handmade. Works featured here may not be there by the time you read this, but I’m sure there’ll be something there to tickle your fancy.

Also, there’s no affiliation with Etsy or ArtAkimbo so #notsponsored.

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Originally posted December 10, 2009 – Overhauled July 29, 2020

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Ryan Livingston

Ryan Livingston

