
This Artist Creates Adorable Daily Pun Paintings

Piper Thibodeau is a Canadian artist and designer, who creates adorable daily pun paintings; which she posts across social media. Dubbed “Cryptic Creations,” they’re almost always consisting of animal illustrations, and based on some very good wordplay. Quite often corresponding to the seasons.

As of this writing, she’s up to #2245 with no signs of stopping!

She also posts in progress and brainstorming shots to give insight to the creative process:

And of course, there are OTTERS!

Piper Thibodeau is a wonderful artist who has worked with DreamWorks TV, Nickelodeon, Intel, Sesame Street and GameLoft; and now is a freelance artist.

I encourage everyone to check out her amazing work:

Relevant links:

All images in this article ©Piper Thibodeau.

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Written by

Ryan Livingston

Ryan Livingston

