This Creator Perfectly Channeled the Spirit of “Who’s On First”
In a recent Tiktok (6/14?22), creator/writer/comedian/actor Kris Collins (aka @Kallmekris), channels the spirit of the classic Abbott & Costello sketch “Who’s On First” in a swirl of word play and misnomers. But here’s the twist: she plays all the parts herself!
Actually, if you follow Kallmekris, you know that really isn’t a twist at all. She’s been creating a stable of off-beat characters since mid 2020; when, in state of sheer pandemic boredom, picked up the Tickytok. As of this writing, Kris is up to over 30 some characters, each with their own unique voice and personality.
Also as of this writing, Kris has racked up over 44 million followers on that clock app. And, let’s not forget to mention millions more on Instagram and Youtube too. So, I’m probably preaching to the choir at this point… But, if by some chance, you’ve gotten here with out seeing the TikTok tour-de-force that is @Kallmekris, go have a follow. You’ll be glad you did.
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In case any youngins are wondering what I mean by the spirit of “Who’s on First” – or, ya know, anyone needing a good chuckle:
I’ve gone scrolled down to Kris’ first TikTok so you don’t have to, so you can follow along from the start: