Big Momma’s House

Lawrence ends up having to disguise himself as Big Momma to get to the truth, whatever the hell that might be.

UHF (w/ 2002 DVD)

UHF is a movie about hope and discovery wrapped up in a shell of corny gags and riotous parody.

Mission 1

Oddly enough there are those out there who follow these pages and wonder where is it all going. I include myself in this noble few.…

Are You Nuts?

A few days ago, that is to say a few months ago, I noticed something about "people" that made me wonder: "who is really insane?"…

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist

Oedekerk is "The Chosen One" the only person who can stand up to and defeat Betty, the evil Master Pain. Betty is the servant of…



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01-09-2019 Word Search