You Need to be Watching Glove and Boots! Like Now!
A couple of hilarious Brooklynite puppets are getting edged out of YouTube and need YOUR help! This isn’t a drill! This is one of them call to actions!
Read MorePuddles Pity Party Covers the Sound of Silence
6’8″ baritone sad clown and internet phenom Puddles Pity Party covers the song he was destined to do.
Read MoreStoriesForToys: Photographer Reinvents the Slice of Life Vignette
Artist uses toys and brightly colored paper to photograph fanciful tableaux of everyday life.
Read MoreWhat To Do In the Aftermath of The Equifax Fustercluck
Earlier today, Financial Guru Clark Howard gave the rundown on the Equifax issue. We took notes and sprinkled in some additional links to be somewhat helpful.
Read MoreThe Cybertronic Spree New Single – Cybertronic Warrior
What if former Autobots, Decepticons and a human joined together to go out on the road? That’s the Cybertronic Spree and they rock, now out with a new single: Cybertronic Warrior.
Read MoreThe Comics re-Posted
In 2002 this site was founded as a repository for Ryan and Ray’s comics. When Ray’s passing and then the hacking hit, they fell to…
Read More3 Artists Making Modern VHS Box Art
Here’s 3 artists that would do a bang up job making packaging for new releases, should analog media make a comeback.
Read MoreThe Fleeting Fad Wordsearch
Fidget spinners are neat. But let’s face facts, it’s just a grain of sand upon the shore of passing fancies. To capitalize, we made a word puzzle!
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