
Random Disorder

Random Disorder logoDespite the name, Random Disorder is a band that has got it’s act together.


Based out of Melbourne, Florida, Random Disorder is a band that harkens back to the early days of hard rock… before the glam, before the gimmicks, before anything that would detract from the music itself. They’re what used to be called a “power trio” – guitar, bass and drums – much in the same vein as bands like Rush and Triumph. And though Random Disorder’s style can be easily be compared to Rush, they don’t try to cheaply emulate them as many have in the past. Random Disorder is their own band with their own sound.

For a relatively new band, R.D.’s music is very technically adept. There are some groups that just play their instruments and sing their vocals and that’s about it. Random Disorder’s instrumentation, on the other hand, blend together and complement each other quite nicely – creating a unified yet cacophonous sound.

Some notes on them from the individual level: There are two vocalists – Tod Wellman and Larry Moore – each with their own sound. Larry has a rip your face off, Geddy Lee octave, rock vocal and Tod has a deeper, at-times-haunting-at-times-gravely, vocal.

Larry also plays guitar and lays down some nice riffs and solos. Tod’s on bass and a prominent one too – where as many bassists these days are relegated to background tracks just for rhythm, he gets full use of his instrument. Rounding out the trio is Richard Harding on drums as the band’s metronome. The man plays like he’s got an extra arm. With well placed fills and crashes (lots of crashes), he sets the complex groove.

Key tracks:

Goodbye Paradise – It’s the album’s finale, however I bring it up first because it pretty much embodies everything above. It’s a “radio friendly” hard rock track that showcases everyone’s abilities and were there singles off this album this would be it.

The Chosen One – my personal favorite. It’s a dark, introspective tune with a creeping bass, and could serve nicely as any brooding anti-hero’s (yours truly) theme.

(used without permission for commentary and promotional purposes)

The Face – serves as the pre-requisite ballad for the record; though its neither lighthearted or sappy as most metal ballads tend to get. One good thing about being unsigned I guess.

Lies – Again another example of great combination. Guitar, drums and bass harmonize to create an ethereal sounding lead-in (reprised again later in the song) that suckers you in then hits you hard. This would make another good single.

What Can I Do – Track one sets the mood. Richard’s train track beat and Larry guitar feedback pull you into the rest of the album.

The Verdict

Somebody sign these guys! All in all a great record. There are a few hiccups lyrically, but that goes without saying on a first go around. But even that’s nothing major, just a missed opportunity to add a better hook… purely cosmetic.

On the New World Otter scale or random things Random Disorder gets 6 out 6 cymbal crashes. These guys are good and I hope they make it big.

Headphonability – Definitely easy on the ears and the basslines are good to zone out to in the dark. However, with the lack of envelope shifts and subtleties, there’s nothing you can’t get from a massive speaker that you can by jamming it in your ears.

Travelicity (not to be confused with the traveling lawn ornament) – Despite not being headphone necessary, its good iPod fodder to walk, run or any other method of physical exertion you can think of. So yes, road music ahoy!

Replayability – this is a tricky one. Yes and no. No, because it is a bit heavy in the overall tone (i.e. Chosen One, Price of Freedom). Yes, because it does get better after each play. So let’s say it’ll stand the test of time so long as you change your CD tray every once in a while.

But where to get it?

Glad you asked, Jimmy!

Edit 11/17/16 – It appears the band’s disbanded and their web presence has been taken over by Japanese hackers : ( Despite that, Amazon still has their music for sale HERE:

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Ryan Livingston

Ryan Livingston

